> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 15:54:18 +0200
> From: Lars Luthman <lars.luthman@email-addr-hidden>
> Subject: Re: [LAU] Re: Jackmp - libjackdmp.so
> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Message-ID: <1187618058.4917.1.camel@email-addr-hidden>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 15:24 +0200, Stéphane Letz wrote:
>> Le 20 août 07 à 15:11, Asmo Koskinen a écrit :
>>> Stéphane Letz kirjoitti:
>>>> The best is always to get the latest published version (0.63 for
>>>> now).
>>> OK, it seems that I have try this version:
>>> asmok@email-addr-hidden:~$ /usr/local/bin/jackdmp
>>> jackdmp 0.64
>> This is the SVN version. Better use the published 0.63 version
>> (http://www.grame.fr/~letz/jackdmp_0.63.zip)
>>> How about other programs? Do you know what programs can use jackdmp
>>> instead of jackd? Is there any available?
>>> Bets regards Asmo Koskinen.
>> Any program that correctly does dynamic linking should work with
>> jackdmp. I remember some (?? don't remember which right now )-:) that
>> were doing static linking with a specific version of libjack.so thus
>> failing to work with jackdmp.
> Aren't there some differences with the threads in which certain
> callbacks are executed,
Yes, they are 2 threads, one for audio callback (Real-Time) and one
for non RT code, that is notifications from the server. But in
general this is completely transparent for applications, and I don't
know of any applications that show problems because of that (if they
are some, please tell me... ((:)
> and with MIDI?
Dmitry Baikov was working on that, and part of the code for MIDI in
already in jackdmp MIDI branch, although it is not complete yet.
Stephane _______________________________________________
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