On 8/31/07, Preston Callison <gprestonc@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I thought that I had it worked out, but I don't. I can start qjackctl
> and Qsampler, but I cannot get any sound to be produced. I am
> completely new to this and do not know what to connect in the
> connections setting in qjackctl. Also, I don't know if I have Qsampler
> setup right.
> In Qsampler, I go to edit and then add new channel. Then I select the
> GIG engine and open the 32 meg piano. My midi input is ALSA, port 0,
> channel 1. Device is midi ALSA device 0. Audio output type is Jack,
> device is Audio Jack device 2, in the sampler channel is audio 0 and
> audio 1, and in the device channel is audio Jack 0 and audio Jack 1. I
> then click ok and this is the message that Qsampler gives me:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:4.
> LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:5.
> 21:11:53.641 New Channel setup...
> 21:12:03.000 Channel 0 added.
> 21:12:03.018 Channel 0 Audio driver: JACK.
> 21:12:03.041 Channel 0 MIDI driver: ALSA.
> 21:12:03.043 Channel 0 MIDI port: 0.
> 21:12:03.045 Channel 0 MIDI channel: 0.
> 21:12:03.287 Channel 0 Engine: GIG.
> 21:12:03.307 Channel 0 Instrument: "/home/Preston/Desktop/gig
> files/S1000 CDRom SteinwayD/PARTITION A/VOLUME 001/32 MEG PIANO.gig"
> (0).
> JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
> SSE2 detected
> Starting disk thread...OK
> Loading gig file '/home/Preston/Desktop/gig files/S1000 CDRom
> SteinwayD/PARTITION A/VOLUME 001/32 MEG PIANO.gig'...OK
> Loading gig instrument...OK
> Caching initial samples...
> OK
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In qjackctl, I have these options in the connections panel. In the audio tab as readable clients alsa_pcm and LinuxSampler. In the audio tab as writable there are alsa_pcm (playback_1 and playback_2). In the midi tab as readable clients there are midi through and Audigy 2 Ex [1005]. In the midi tab as writable clients there are midi through, Audigy 2 Ex [1005], EMU 10K1 wavetable, and Linux Sampler.
> Any help is much appreciated. All I want to do as of now is get sound
> from Linux Sampler.
> Best Regards,
> Preston
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