I thought that I had it worked out, but I don't. I can start qjackctl
and Qsampler, but I cannot get any sound to be produced. I am
completely new to this and do not know what to connect in the
connections setting in qjackctl. Also, I don't know if I have Qsampler
setup right.
In Qsampler, I go to edit and then add new channel. Then I select the
GIG engine and open the 32 meg piano. My midi input is ALSA, port 0,
channel 1. Device is midi ALSA device 0. Audio output type is Jack,
device is Audio Jack device 2, in the sampler channel is audio 0 and
audio 1, and in the device channel is audio Jack 0 and audio Jack 1. I
then click ok and this is the message that Qsampler gives me:
LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:4.
LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:5.
21:11:53.641 New Channel setup...
21:12:03.000 Channel 0 added.
21:12:03.018 Channel 0 Audio driver: JACK.
21:12:03.041 Channel 0 MIDI driver: ALSA.
21:12:03.043 Channel 0 MIDI port: 0.
21:12:03.045 Channel 0 MIDI channel: 0.
21:12:03.287 Channel 0 Engine: GIG.
21:12:03.307 Channel 0 Instrument: "/home/Preston/Desktop/gig
files/S1000 CDRom SteinwayD/PARTITION A/VOLUME 001/32 MEG PIANO.gig"
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
SSE2 detected
Starting disk thread...OK
Loading gig file '/home/Preston/Desktop/gig files/S1000 CDRom
Loading gig instrument...OK
Caching initial samples...
In qjackctl, I have these options in the connections panel. In the
audio tab as readable clients alsa_pcm and LinuxSampler. In the audio
tab as writable there are alsa_pcm (playback_1 and playback_2). In the
midi tab as readable clients there are midi through and Audigy 2 Ex
[1005]. In the midi tab as writable clients there are midi through,
Audigy 2 Ex [1005], EMU 10K1 wavetable, and Linux Sampler.
Any help is much appreciated. All I want to do as of now is get sound
from Linux Sampler.
Best Regards,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 1 20:15:04 2007
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