"Stéphane Brunner" <stephane.brunner@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> Hello to all !
> LiveMix is a mix table for live performances designed for sound technician
> (not for musician as usual !)
> It actually will use Jack and LADSPA ad backend.
> Some of the code will come from Jackmix for the core, and from Hydrogen for
> the widget and the LADSPA integration.
> Homepage: http://livemix.codingteam.net/ <http://home.gna.org/a2jmidid/>
> Screenshots: http://www.codingteam.net/livemix-screen_fr.html<http://home.gna.org/a2jmidid/>
> Download: http://www.codingteam.net/livemix-down_fr.html
> CU
> Stéphane Brunner
> PS:
> - All collaboration is welcome ;-)
> - Sorry for my poor English, my first language is French and he isn't
> perfect :p
> <http://download.gna.org/a2jmidid/>
Plain text variant of annoucement is mentioning (links to)
a2jmidid. They are not releated.
It is not my client going crazy:
-- Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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