The only thing I could think of would be if gmfsk has a preferences box
somewhere to enter command line flags... If you can tell it something like
"-odac:alsa_pcm:playback_" or whatever ports you want it to connect to after
"-odac:", it might do it automatically. It would work for running from CLI,
but I don't know about a program that switches dynamically. In fact, if it
isn't capable of doing that, it might make a worthwhile feature request for
the devs.
On 9/3/07, Rob Frohne <frohro@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am an amateur radio operator, and I'm using the aoss plugin with jack
> to route my audio. I have a software defined receiver that takes audio
> input from the sound card. I route the audio out of that to gmfsk's
> audio input port. Gmfsk is a radio teletype decoder/encoder. When I
> change from the receive mode to the transmit mode, the ports for the
> receiver for gmfsk disappear in qjackctl, and the ones for transmit
> appear. When I go back, the opposite happens, which is all good. The
> problem is that the default connections are not what I need, so I have
> to change them back and forth each time I change from transmit to
> receive in qjackctrl. How do I set up the default connections the way I
> want them?
> I have my .asoundrc file set up as directed here:
> Thanks,
> Rob
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