Am Donnerstag, 6. September 2007 schrieb Bearcat M. Sandor:
> Strange that they'd use one set of drivers for the front and rear.
That is not strange: By using the AC97 they get a completely(?) developed
product with all the compatibility (= Lots of features and benefits for less
cost). They just extend it with their own features by adding their emu10k1 on
the board.
> Huh. I
> try to keep my volume down at those levels too and it does seem to make a
> difference.
I really think its some clipping happening because of the resampling...
Sometimes (before my good devices) I mastered in 48kHz and all sounded well.
Downsampling to 44.1kHz for CD gave me horrible high noise/distortion on
rehearsal at the same volume which made me check the 48kHz material (which
was okay).
> Can you explain why we seem to have 2 "Master" sliders and 2 "Line-In"
> sliders?
I have even more "Line-In"s because of the livedrive :-)
> I donno why i sounds better this time, but hearing is *so* based on
> expectations. It's not great, but it will do till i can afford something
> better. I wonder how much better the M-Audo Audiophile sounds?
Well, the Audiophile should give you another step in quality...
> As far as your Tascam goes i might consider that. How much do you want for
> it and how much higher is the sound quality? All i need is stereo out +
> line-in for mythtv.
Hm, the tascam has stereo in and out. The only problem with (my) Tascam is
that the input-amplifiers break regularly. And of course the
warranty-timespan is over and one input-preamp is broken again. So the first
channel can only be used from the insert-point on.
Where do you live and what do you want to pay for a (half- / third-) broken
I am not yet confident with the thought of selling it because the firepod in
its rack is much harder to transport and doesn't allow for field-recordings
just with the laptop. But maybe I lend/sell the tascam to a friend who plays
guitar and might be interested in using linux (and a pc) as effect-stack...
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