So I guess this means I can't sync taps on MIDI devices with Ardour? I
have a delay box which is almost impossible to use otherwise.
Paul Davis wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 14:30 +0200, Malte Steiner wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need to sync Ardour (in my case 2.0.5) to an external midisequencer
>> and would like to do it via Midiclock, but so far I know it only
>> supports Midi Timecode which is more heavy datawise.Anyway, last night I
>> tested it a bit following the Ardour doks but didnt managed it yet to
>> react on MTC nor MMC. Any experiences, encouraging words or hints how to
>> make it running, does it work for someone?
> Ardour cannot sync to MIDI clock. MIDI clock is based on musical time,
> not linear time. We will do it, someday, but I have no idea when.
> You need to enable MMC control from the Options menu, and make sure you
> define a port for MMC handling in the preferences window (MIDI tab)
> (there is a bug right now that may make it necessary to toggle MMC back
> and forth after defining the port).
> You need to define the port for MTC handling, and switch ardour to slave
> from MTC using the timecode source button just right of the transport
> clocks.
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