On 9/8/07, Rui Nuno Capela <rncbc@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Paul Coccoli wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to convert a MIDI file from format 0 to 1?
> > KeyKit produces the former, seq24 can apparently read the latter. I
> > want to get sequences I generate in KeyKit into seq24.
> >
> > A command line tool would be best, but any suggestions are welcome.
> from the any-suggestions-are-welcome-dept. ;)
> perhaps a bit offtopic and overkill, but my qtractor already can do this
> although with some limitations.
> the simple recipe is setting midi capture/export option to SMF format 1
> (as is the default btw) and then you can import any of your existing
> midi files (either format 0 or 1) into tracks and then export the
> session into a new file which will be in the desired format, of course.
> limitations are such there's no current support for tempo map, so your
> resulting file will have a fixed and single tempo. ah, and the midi
> export function is only available since last couple of weeks from
> qtractor CVS :)...
> http://qtractor.sourceforge.net
> just my 2cents
> --
> rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
> rncbc@email-addr-hidden
Rosegarden works too, buts it's way overkill for this task.
Turns out I was being stupid though. KeyKit will output format 1 midi
files if there is more than 1 track in the Group tool.
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