Re: [LAU] Re: ua-25 very noisy in advanced mode

From: Clemens Ladisch <cladisch@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 10 2007 - 11:49:00 EEST

Joseluís Cruz wrote:
> I've boot my old system and it still works perfectly with the Edirol
> usb card. I tested the sound with the old kernels, and with the new
> kernels also. And it works.
> So now I'm copying every configuration file I can think of, every log,
> every relevant program's output I can imagine... to compare to those
> in my new system. Hoping I'll find something.

Try comparing the kernel configuration (compressed in /proc/config.gz,
or .config in the kernel source directory).

> And when I find the solution to the problem, I'll try to
> write it in the alsa-project wiki, ua-25 page.

It's likely to be a kernel configuration problem, or it could be
a difference in the host USB controller or hubs.

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Received on Mon Sep 10 12:15:02 2007

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