On Monday 10 September 2007, Arnold Krille wrote:
> Am Montag, 10. September 2007 schrieb David Baron:
> > Get the following error:
> > scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> > Checking for pkg-config (at least version 0.0.0)... ok
> > Checking for QtCore... ok
> > AttributeError: SConsEnvironment instance has no attribute 'MergeFlags':
> > File "SConstruct", line 33:
> > env.MergeFlags( needed )
> > The "needed" is the path the the QtCore library, I suppose, from the
> > SConstruct script. I suppose I need to have some python module installed.
> > Which one?
> No module to install. Probably your scons is to old, mine is
> 0.97.something. What is yours?
0.96.1 off Debian Sid
> > I also cannot compile the ofqf-0.1.1 with too many errors to find the
> > culprit. What are its dependencies (lib???-dev stuff to install) ?
> ofqf depends on Qt4 (just like TapStart). QtCore and QtNetwork are used.
> Maybe the pkg-config-files from your Qt4 aren't found correctly?
Qt4 headers including QtCore and QtNetwork are in /usr/include/qt4/QtCore
and ../QtNetwork. Other builds find them without problems but if this one is
looking for a QTDIR, well this points to qt3 stuff.
The scons finds the qt4 includes but is taking the qt3 moc. I have both
moc-qt3 and moc-qt4 on /usr/bin. It is using one without a suffix from
$KDEDIR/bin which is a qt3 version from kde konstruct.
SO I put a moc->moc-qt4 symlink on /usr/bin, export QTDIR= and scons starts to
run. Until ...
building 'ofqf.pc' from 'ofqf.pc.in'
g++ -fpic -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/include/qt4 -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore
-I/usr/include/qt4/QtNetwork -I/usr/include -Ilibofqf -c -o oscqlient/main.o
scons: *** CLVar instance has no attribute 'startswith'
scons: building terminated because of errors
Could be 0.96.1 vs 0.97 again?
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Received on Tue Sep 11 00:15:01 2007
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