Victor Roetman wrote:
> The question I have is whether I should be recording 24 bit audio at
> 44.1 kHz or at 48 kHz if the end result will be Compact Disk audio.
I'm not an expert on this, but:
CD audio is 44.1kHz/16bit
If you record at anything else, you will have to downsample.
> It
> seems that some pro-audio equipment tends to prefer 48 kHz, and many
> people do their recording at 48 kHz. The heart of the question is this:
> Will the slight slight increase in quality of recording and mixing at 48
> kHz outweigh the slight reduction in quality from re-sampling 48 kHz to
> 44.1 kHz?
> How about if the project was also using loops recorded at 44.1 kHz? If
> the Ardour project is at 48 kHz, the loops would need to be up-sampled,
> and then the whole thing down-sampled again to 44.1 on export. Would
> that up-down sampling offset any benefit of using 48 kHz in the first place?
Probably, at a guess. You really want to organise things so you only
have to downsample once, as the final stage of mastering as I understand
it. This process is analogous to resizing a bitmap, you want to do all
the composition work at the highest resolution and try to avoid
resampling as much as possible.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 11 12:15:03 2007
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