Thank you. I'll just have to remember to turn off my amp before i leave for
any length of time, in case my power fails and my APC shuts things off.
Bearcat M. Sandor
On Monday 17 September 2007 in an email titled "Re: [LAU] M-Audio Audiophile
Line Level Inputs" Arnold Krille wrote:
>Am Montag, 17. September 2007 schrieb Bearcat M. Sandor:
>> Besides, having a direct card-amp connection means i get the *pop* if my
>> system turns off. About half the people i've asked say this wont' hurt
>> anything and half say it's dangerous to my equipment. The USB with it's
>> own power supply alleviates this.
>The rule in mixing is:
> - Turn on the devices in the direction of the sound-signal (mixer and
>outboard-equipment first, amps last).
> - Turn off the devices in the opposite direction.
>These pop's can destroy your speakers.
>And USB will have the same problem as the power of these devices has to fail
>too. Unless your pc isn't really powered off and still provides power on the
>usb (for keyboard/mouse and their wakeup).
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Received on Tue Sep 18 00:15:03 2007
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