> > I am thinking of having an graphical editor for OSC-streams natively. I
> > doesnt
> > have to support complex data types like lists of mixed types, but at
> > least floating point controller. Is there an (free) application which can
> > do that like sequenzer handle MIDI-controller or so ?
> >
> > mfg winfried
> Carmen from #lad irc coded something like this a while back. Not sure
> if there was a public release though. It looked great from the
> screenshots.
Thats nice, do you have a source, i am not on irc.
Anyway I just thought it would be good to have a library for this task (OSC
sequencer with/without gui), which can be included in PD or other.
The other question is the fileformat of OSC, which i couldnt find, but i had
the idea to use sdif (IRCAM) for this, so I can combine it with the
audiotracks, or even fft-data streams. Is anyone working on defining a sdif
definition for OSC ?
mfg winfried
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Received on Sat Sep 22 04:15:31 2007
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