Thorsten Wilms wrote:
>It's very well done and she surely can sing this, but I think it's a bit
>too tame. You know this last bit of quality, which would mean she really
>feels it ;)
Geez, Thorsten, she's only 17 ! ;-)
But I agree, and I think she does a better job in live performance.
The recording's background may be of some interest: We recorded it last
week with MIDI drums and a real bass part, and we ran out of time to do
much more with it. Later I was so dissatisfied with it that I decided to
replace the MIDI tracks with drum loops, which meant transforming a
bunch of 120 bpm loops to 125 (no problem with Audacity) and replacing
the original MIDI tracks. Well, then the bass part had to go too, the
original wasn't very good at all. After adding the new bass part I
realized I'd have to completely reposition Corin's vocals, which was not
a difficult task with Ardour's tools, but it was time-consuming. She
also sang quite flat during the final two verses, I pitch-shifted her
voice with Audacity for a better fit. It's still a little flat but not
so annoying as it was.
The guitar part was added last. I performed a rambling improv over the
entire song, then I cut/copied/pasted various parts to create the stuff
on the track. I added some compression via JAMin, but I'd redo that too.
Also, I think the bass can use a bit more punch.
>The change at about 1:30 is a bit odd and the bass ain't tight there.
>Not too bad, just enough for me to notice.
We'll hire you to produce the next recording. ;)
I wish we had more time. Corin takes an hour lesson, so each session is
only an hour long. She does a great job in that time, but I know she'd
really shine with more time to warm up into the takes. Still, for a
young singer she's coming along pretty well with her first recordings.
We plan to record some more pop material next, eventually we'll have a
good six or seven song demo CD for her to take when she graduates from
high-school this year.
Btw, I went a bit nutty and recorded a "live" version of the three songs
she's recorded so far. I found a bunch of audience sounds (walla,
chatter, laughter, applause) on Freesounds and threw 'em into Ardour to
create a nite-club ambience behind her studio performances. It worked
pretty well, she got a big kick out of it. Alas, the resulting track
(Club Corin) is too long to put on-line, but you can imagine the kind of
things I added. Very amusing.
Finally, a note to EdCL: Yes, she's a cutie too. Corin has a lot going
for her, she's one of my favorite students, and I'm confident she'll do
well at whatever she chooses. As it happens, she is *not* planning to
take music courses in college, but she does want to find a band to sing
with. She's become quite a good performer over the years (I schedule
regular live shows for my students four times a year, at a very nice
local coffee shop with an excellent sound system and soundman).
I'm looking forward to hearing her sing Fever five years from now. :)
Thanks for listening, Thorsten (and everyone else), and we do appreciate
all comments and suggestions.
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Received on Sat Sep 22 16:15:05 2007
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