> > Does anybody happen to have written any kind of lyrics I could use for
> > composing a song?
> > I never felt like writing lyrics..but I would like to try composing a
> > song based on lyrics..
> > so..any guy there?
> I've written a lot of lyrics, most of them also have accompanying
> melodies - with many of the melodies never written down so I no longer
> remember what they were. What kind of lyric are you interested in?
> --
> David
> gnome@email-addr-hidden
> authenticity, honesty, community
Really any kind of lyrics should be ok. Well, lyrics with meaning that
touches your feelings.
Preferably not simple depressing love lyrics (Ex: she left me and I feel
alone..I'm gonna die :-) )
But it could be love lyrics..
Anyway, fyi it'll probably be a song with as base instrument the piano.
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Received on Sun Sep 23 20:15:02 2007
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