Am Donnerstag, 27. September 2007 schrieb Danni Coy:
> > Is there a way to get 0.107 working with clients compiled against
> > older versions of jack?
> > Failing that, would I be able to get all these apps to work again
> > against the new version of jack if I simply build my own packages
> > from source debs, or would I run into further trouble?
> yes start a jack client that is not working from the command line see what
> version of jack it is trying to connect to find that file
> libjack-[something].so and remove it - replace it with a symlink to version
> you just installed.
> Its a dirty hack but it seems to work often enough.
This is even more a trick from the
And it opens pandoras box of _very_ strange error which come from changed abi
and changed api between the versions. And if you don't tell the devs on irc
or the mailing-lists that you did this _very_ dirty trick, they will try
to "fix" it for ages. If you tell them what you did, they tell you to either
undo it and check again or not complain about the errors...
So don't do this unless you know what it is about or know how to deal with the
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