Am Freitag, 28. September 2007 schrieb Mark Constable:
> On 2007-09-28 19:16, Arnold Krille wrote:
> > Only after that you can really start the asound-magic to couple the
> > soundcards together. At least before the soldering step above it will
> > _never_ work reliably.
> Thank you for the excellent explanation. Say I went to the
> bother of using a soldering iron, what would be the asound
> magic to glue them together ?
> pcm.NVidia { type hw; card NVidia; }
> ctl.NVidia { type hw; card NVidia; }
> pcm.Live { type hw; card Live; }
> ctl.Live { type hw; card Live; }
> Assuming these 2 cards... anyone ?
Something like
But you would have to use two times the same soundcard. So two SBLives "could"
work (assuming the nvidia is the onboard-sound) but syncing / soldering two
different kinds of soundcards is asking for trouble...
But if you already have an sblive and simply want more hardware-ios, try to
grab a LiveDrive from your dealer or from ebay. I got mine from ebay for <25¤
some years ago and have now 6 analog-ios (in _and_ out) and another two
digital ios (spdif and optical). The only step after that was the presonus
firepod for more quality:-)
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