On Friday 28 September 2007 05:55 am, Mark Constable wrote:
> On 2007-09-28 19:53, david wrote:
> > Sorry, haven't a clue. From what someone else said,
> > it's not an option, anyway.
> Surely it would be possible to run 2 Jack aware audio
> players with each one outputting to different cards.
This one is fine. Run two players and output one song to one card and another
song to the other.
> Anyone know of a Jack aware audio player ?
I tend to use xmms and xmms-jackasyn for simple playing when I want to use
jack for that. But most of my jack work is with ardour, rezound, rivendell,
rotter, and soon the audacity that integrated with rivendell.
> > > I've tried to use Jack over the past few years but I
> > > mostly end up with a locked up machine.
> >
> > I've never had that problem with JACK at all ...
> May I ask what distro and kernel version you are using ?
> Perhaps I could try to emulate your setup.
I use various debian and ubuntu boxes for this stuff.
> --markc
all the best,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Sep 28 16:15:07 2007
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