Re: [LAU] Software algorithms?

From: Bill White <bill.white@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 02 2007 - 16:23:43 EET

william estrada wrote:
> I'm writing a suite of programs to be used for a 'Voice Messaging
> System'. The system will be used during field events where communication
> from PC to PC will take place. There by the need for inexpensive hardware.
> We are dealing with cheap HAMs here after all! So supplying everyone with
> a mic is going to be costly to begin with. A preamp, which is the best
> solution, will be too costly. So I need to build a software fix.

It's been a long time since I was at all active in Amateur Radio.
But from my memory, which is mostly washed away by gin and vermouth,
some, if not all, Hams are avid electronic tinkerers. The web is filled
with little preamp circuits you can build with three transistors and
a 9v battery, and can put in an Altoids tin. Wouldn't this be a better
solution than fooling with software. How many of them to you need,
after all?

Here's a list of some you might look at:
   ($5 mic preamp, which the article claims competes
    favorably with a $1500 preamp. I have no idea
    if it is smoke or mirrors or both.)
   (Related to the previous)

I got these by searching for "preamp" on digg.

P.S. After I wrote this reply I actually looked at the
      other replies, so this is not completely relevant.
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Received on Fri Nov 2 20:15:02 2007

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