I've got a live value, also snd_emu10k1.
in alsamixer, I press F4 to switch to capture controls, then press space
on the track labeled Capture, to make the red letters CAPTUR appear on
it, and then also press space on the input I want to capture, as in
line, so as to make the red CAPTUR appear there too. notice all the
AC97 inputs are mutually exclusive. usually I don't need to touch the
mixer levels on the inputs, just leave them all at 0. If you are trying
to capture a quiet signal, the AC97 mixer slider should turn it up, and
the Capture
slider I think will let you monitor the input, but for that I just route
it to the speakers in qjackctl. BTW, gnome-alsamixer is pretty
confusing to me on this card. beware of that one.
what mixer are you using?
leslie.polzer@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> I can route the Line-In through, but I can't seem to get any capture off
> it.
> Changing mixer controls didn't help a bit.
> Any ideas or experiences with this card?
> Leslie
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