On Monday 05 November 2007 03:55:59 Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
> Hello Brian,
> thanks for the input; but it still does not work.
> > what mixer are you using?
> I have been playing around with qamix, kmix and alsamixer,
> to no avail.
> I wonder whether something, either in hardware of software,
> is broken with my setup.
> Can anyone recommend a good sound card that's not the M-Audio
> Delta, since I don't want to spend that much money right now?
Well, I can't say how good it is, and it is more than just a sound card, but I
have been happy with my alesis multimix8 usb
Still a usb soundcard though with all the limitations.
> Leslie
all the best,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 5 16:15:02 2007
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