On Tuesday 13 November 2007 15:21, Alexandros Vichos wrote:
> I don't know if someone has implemented this idea, neither have I
> searched online for something similar, but this post reminded me of
> it, and i thought it would be nice to share it with all you Linux
> Audio guys!
I started messing with some scripts a couple years ago and registered
the domains musicvs.com and .org (as in "music versioning system" but
I didn't want to reuse "MVS" even if it were available), but then my
partner's heart problems got worse and my free time disappeared. I
haven't let them lapse if I remember right, but I'm still kinda
picking up the pieces and doubt I'd get anything done with it for
months at least, if not more.
It kinda started with my desire for a license for music that was like
the GPL. No, not the CC-Attribution-ShareAlike license, because that
doesn't require you to release your source tracks. I'm no lawyer, so
rather than conceiving yet another new half-cocked license I started
thinking about creating an environment where that kind of sharing
would be easier.
My idea was basically to have projects on this site like cvs or svn
would, but with a timeline and audio tracks instead of a bunch of
directory trees, and participants could be granted read-only or
check-in access (no access by default because of the bandwidth
involved), they could upload their tracks in some lossless format,
subject to CC-By-SA, and I was going to use one of the non-GUI sound
libraries/languages to allow for effects and (though I hadn't heard
of the term yet) Ajax waveform editing with streaming audio for
previewing, and there'd be some way to distribute tracks or mixdowns
publicly automatically via bittorrent, and it was all probably way,
way more ambitious than I could have handled by myself.
But maybe someday.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Nov 14 00:15:04 2007
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