Re: [LAU] A virtual LAU chillout band

From: Rob <lau@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Nov 14 2007 - 22:08:41 EET

On Wednesday 14 November 2007 12:37, Julien Claassen wrote:
> to use it myself. Remeber I'm blind, the console is my world.

As a diabetic who could someday be faced with blindness, it's
definitely something I keep in mind and I'd want to have some
non-Ajax, non-graphical interface for that reason (among others.)

> So I could upload my track and just give it a short readme like:
> 135 BPM 4/4 - 2 measures adein or punch-in

Speaking only for myself, I almost always mess with the tempo when
recording MIDI tracks, to make them seem a little less metronomic.
Live instrument tracks might not have a consistent tempo either. (I
have to admit I stood there in disbelief the first time I came across
a 12 inch single that listed the BPM for each song, indicating they
had only one.)

I agree with you about uploading raw tracks, and the EDLs I was
referring to previously would be something the server maintained
internally for handling effects, edits and mixdowns. But I think
whatever shape this tool takes, it should be useful to all
computer-friendly musicians, not just limited to those whose genres
of music use invariant tempos.

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Received on Thu Nov 15 00:15:02 2007

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