Ken Restivo wrote:
> Interestingly, wavpack can write *and read* wav files from a pipe.
Its doable for the vast majority of structurally correct files.
If the file is malformed (which is way more common than you might
think), its can be vastly more difficult.
> I'll try inserting sndfile-convert into the pipeline and see if
> there's a way to make mplayer happy that way.
Isn't there are libsndfile player with a Jack backend? I thought
there was one in the JACK sources.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Erik de Castro Lopo ----------------------------------------------------------------- "It's a shame that so many people think all Windows programmers are idiots, when it's actually just 99% of them." -- Damana Madden _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Sat Nov 17 12:15:03 2007
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