Re: [LAU] Very low input from accoustic guitar pickup

From: Sebastian Tschöpel <>
Date: Thu Nov 22 2007 - 13:12:42 EET


> If it has controls for volume, treble and bass that means it has an
> amplifier on board. Maybe the battery is low?

A battery is the proof that you actually have a build-in pre-amp. Therefore
you're right: The battery has to be low.

>> Pushing the volume to the max also brings noise with it.

What kind of noise ? Whitenoise like or a low-frequency noise?

>> some kind of impedence adapter

If you have a low-freq noise it could be a ground loop or something.
In your case, a white noise would come from the fact that you increased
the guitarlevel extremly to hear a signal -> Signal to noise ratio != 0 so
you increase the noise level as well.

Best regards,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Nov 22 16:15:02 2007

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