Re: [LAU] Very low input from accoustic guitar pickup

From: Arnold Krille <arnold@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 23 2007 - 11:40:21 EET

Am Freitag, 23. November 2007 schrieb Sebastian Tschöpel:
> > having a battery doesn't mean a thing in regards to preamps, it means
> > it has an active rather than a passive pickup
> But isn't the difference between an active and a passive pickup, that
> the active one uses the electrical energy to run a preamp (or an EQ as
> well) --> "Active" as in "active signal modifying" ?

But most players will still connect the guitar to the instrument (thus hi-z)
input of their amp, regardless wether its one with active or passive
electronic. So the active ones have to prepare an output signal for hi-z.
Thats why you need DI-boxes or preamps with hi-z for recording direct.

But after I listened to some tubeamps and speaker-combos a friend of mine is
building himself: If you have an electric guitar, you should really
experiment with mic-ing the amp unless you really, really want to record the
plain signal and do it all digitally (by the fabulous CAPS-plugins for

Have fun,


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