[LAU] I'm looking for something like a MIDI-signal router/converter

From: Sebastian Tschöpel <tschoseb@email-addr-hidden-cottbus.de>
Date: Fri Nov 23 2007 - 14:39:52 EET

Hello List,

on windows I used to use my Logitech Dual Action Gamepad as MIDI
controller. For example to trigger the effect/modulation ratio of one or
two effect to have something like a Kaospad or as Transport Controller
for Cubase with the axis for moving the pointer and controlling zoom and
the buttons for play, stop, record and so forth. Today I tried the same
thing on linux.

First of all, I have to say that it was pretty easy to set up the
joystick as a midi-device, provided the gamepad itself runs under linux.
In my case it was auto-detected during the openSuse 10.2 installation,
so I hadn't to care about it. The tool I used is called aseqjoy by
Alexander König, the developer of the TerminatorX sequencer.
Compiling/Installation was quite easy and ALSA detected the
Joystick/MIDI device immediatly. Unfortunately the MIDI-signals are
hardcoded so it depends on the software to be triggered whether you can
use the joystick on it or not. I don't know if there is something like a
in-between midi-router that could route or respectively convert MIDI
signals so I don't have to change the source code.

Does anyone knows such a tool?

Best regards,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Nov 23 16:15:02 2007

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