Re: [LAU] hardware - buttons and knobs?

From: Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Dec 05 2007 - 22:11:51 EET

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007 13:51:27 -0600
"Josh Lawrence" <hardbop200@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Something mentioned in the hardware synths thread prompted me to ask
> this question...
> So how does one go about adding buttons/knobs/switches that do
> specific things to a standard computer? My best example of this is
> the Muse Receptor - it is a standard computer, yet it has knobs that
> do various tasks. I realize there is a hardware and software answer
> to this question, but I'm more interested in the hardware part.
> In other words:
> 1)Where can I buy a knob?
> 2)Where do I plug it in?
> Finally, I also realize you can buy MIDI knob boxes; that's not what
> I'm talking about here.

OK. You've confused me.

What sort of knob are you talking about that isn't on a knob box?

Will J Godfrey
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Dec 6 00:15:04 2007

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