Re: [LAU] Looking for Portable Digital Recorder, on a budget

From: Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 28 2007 - 17:25:50 EET

On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:16:22 -0600
The Other <sstubbs@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Thanks for all of the replies. I hadn't considered a Minidisc
> recorder, but after considering that a Minidisc has moving parts, my
> old engineering background decided a mechanical failure would occur
> sometime in the future and I'd have to research this problem again.
> Next I saw this review of the Zoom H2 recorder:
> That was an impressive review outlining a very intelligently designed
> recorder.
> I went to the Zoom website to see if I could download the user's
> manual.
> I could. Any company that will provide the user manual online always
> has my referral, and most often my purchase.
> The H2 user manual states the supported Operating Systems are Windows
> XP, Windows Vista, and MacOSX 10.2 or later.
> As stated above, I'm running openSUSE 10.2 with a 2.6.x kernel. Is
> there any chance I'd be able to run the H2 through a USB port into my
> kernel and have all the functionality mentioned in the user manual?

If they are telling the truth about the spec (and I don't see why they
wouldn't) then you should have no problems. It's mass storage at 'full
speed' i.e. 'fast' USB 1.1 (which is actually a bit slow)

Will J Godfrey
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Dec 28 20:15:02 2007

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