Re: [LAU] ArdourVST - Latency Management

From: Sebastian <>
Date: Thu Jan 10 2008 - 17:37:50 EET

> Hello List,
> Hello JackLab Team,
> I tried some things today concerning this latency issue. To sum up:
> There wasn't any problem with the plugins itself. As I said, I tried a
> lot of them and the problem appeared anyway. I didn't try it on my
> "music-machine" but on my laptop I worked with two different ArdourVST
> versions today.
> First build:
> The second one made by following this manual:
> Well, it worked with the second build so I assume it has something to do
> with the Jacklab build. I'm going to try it on my "music-machine" later
> today and will tell you about my experiences.

Okay. I tried it on my music machine but found another totally different
result. The latency of VST plugins gets compensated on tracks, but not
on busses.


Maybe i should read the Bus/Track Concept- Page in the manual again. Is
that a known issue?

Best regards,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Jan 10 20:15:02 2008

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