Am Montag, 14. Januar 2008 schrieb Fons Adriaensen:
> Next question then was why all these HR recordings sounded so
> much better than the average CD recording of the same music -
> most listeners and the also the authors of the report did agree
> on that.
> The answer suggested by the authors is quite sobering: because
> these recordings have been made for a niche market of audiophiles,
> and the sound engineers who made them were therefore not subject
> to the usual pressure to produce a type of sound that record
> companies think sells best (reduced dynamic range, a balance
> that emphasizes solo parts, added reverb, EQ, etc.). In other
> words because they were allowed to do the recording in the way
> they believed was right, usually employing very simple recording
> techniques.
> If this is true, it means we are being deprived of good recorded
> sound not because the technology isn't performing, but just
> because bad sound sells better.
You get the same answer out of any serious discussion about compression and
mastering: Bad loud music sells better than for example an unplugged concert
recorded with just a stereo-mic (or some ambisonic-setup:)...
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