[LAU] Harmony Tool for Composition (part 1 of 2)

From: Kevin Cosgrove <kevinc@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Feb 16 2008 - 01:14:42 EET

Almost a decade ago I was using Jazz++ for my MIDI sequencer and
composition tool. That project rolls over in its grave from time
to time, but I consider it dead. I've been very happily using
Rosegarden4 for everything that Jazz++ used to do for me, almost,
and I like Rosegarden4 much better.

Now for the "almost" issue. Jazz++ has a feature which it called
a "harmony browser" which allowed me (a drummer) to explore chord
structure and musical modes when writing a tune. I haven't found
anything else that has this ability. Maybe one of you knows
something about this?

I don't know if it's OK to attach pictures or not, but they're really
tiny so I'll take a chance.

The hbtoolb.gif file shows how Jazz++ allowed me to select which
types of chords I wanted to explore by clicking the gray boxes
near the top of the window.

The hb.gif file (in the next message) shows various chords, of
the selected type, in the various modes. In Jazz++ I could click
on the chord names in the boxes and get to hear what they sound

I *really* want to have a tool that lets me do this again. Any ideas

Thanks much...


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Received on Sat Feb 16 04:15:03 2008

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