Hi everybody,
I was using Windows and the music software working under it until I made a
long conversation with Mr. Richard STALLMAN 2 - 3 weeks ago. Now I removed
Windows and related DAW software. As a Free-Software user I believe that
without using Free Software we cannot have Free Software. What I try to mean
is, our ideas and opinions as being Free software users is really necessary
for the developers of Free Software. Free software is going to develop in a
parallel way to our needs. believe that using it is a great contribution to
Protools, Cubase, Logic and etc. really gives us too many opportunities.
Yes, Ardour, Rosegarden and the others may not be as strong as their windows
counterparts. But they will be soon. We also had too many Plug-ins in VST
like Amplitube, waves and others on Windows and Macos platforms but,
As an Ardour user (for nearly 2 - 3 weeks) I really liked some LADSPA
plug-ins. I'm playing electric guitars and Amplitube was really great but
now I returned to my SM57 and my Tube amplifier back. Now i'm not using FM7
or FM8. I turned back in to my 20 years old DX7, JV80, WO5/R etc. Wow, i've
missed them. :) Bu sure that they sound greater than the software ones. Also
there are some LADSPA plug-ins that can simulate amplifiers, valves and
other effects too. They work real great.
I remember a word from Mr. Charles DYE - a great mix man - which is "If I
had bla bla plug-ins thing could work better. NO, you don't need bla bla
plug-ins to make a great job. Just work Hard."
Please use Free Software and give support.
I respect every user and developer on this list.
Thank you.
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:09 PM, Chuckk Hubbard <badmuthahubbard@email-addr-hidden>
> Hi Mike.
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:52 AM, JiNN <jinnproduction@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > project. This, of course means a lot of CPU since i try to do as much
> > as possible without rendering it to .wav and back, since this takes
> time,
> > especially for little changes when mixing. Another issue is the
> > windows 2gig ram application limit. I hit this a couple of times and
> was
> > left in a dead end as to what to do. Vista is probably out of the option
> > right
> One nice thing about ext3, the default filesystem for most Linux
> distributions, is that you almost never have to defragment the drive.
> That's not the same as using RAM efficiently, but it is very handy...
> > 2) I assume linux is a lot better with RAM than windows, and was curious
> if
> > there are any people who are on this list
> > that actually switched over and could tell me if they really could
> "do" a
> > lot more in linux with the same hardware specs than in windows.
> > Does linux have some sort of application RAM limit?
> If nothing else, applications are less likely to be mysteriously added
> to your boot process automatically. Unfortunately, figuring out how
> to make a program NOT start automatically when it does so by default
> is actually quite harder on Linux. Killing a program that you don't
> want to be running is far more reliable in Linux... sometimes too
> reliable- if Windows won't let you kill a necessary system process,
> Linux doesn't even warn you...
> > 3) What is everyone's favority sequencer for linux? I know there are a
> > couple of them. Which one is your favorite?
> I wrote my own sequencer for microtonal music in Pure Data. I use it
> and Csound extensively, though neither is standard sequencer fare. I
> have found Rosegarden sufficient for that, but I have heard of others
> not finding it so. I do believe Linux is way behind in this
> department, partially because programming efficient and powerful user
> interfaces is BORING, and no one pays Linux developers to do it, so, I
> suspect, they let those kinds of things lag a bit; the software can DO
> great things, but it's not always easy to use. Ardour may be the
> exception, and someone was contracted to add MIDI sequencing support
> to it last summer. He did so, but to this day I don't believe his
> improvements have been added to the main branch >:(
> > 4) I have never used linux before. Would it be better for me to install
> > linux first and after im comfortable try audio on it?
> In my experience this is a good idea; audio was really the only reason
> I wanted to use Linux, but that made me pretty miserable when trying
> to learn very basic things, realizing I was struggling to understand
> certain concepts and that even when I did understand them, I was
> barely any closer to making the music I wanted to make. Some people
> on this list may tell you, I was a huffy puffy bitch sometimes.
> Some key things to check out if you want to kickstart your audio
> setup: Jack, chrt, realtime preemption, kernel building, aconnect (for
> connecting MIDI apps, something like MIDIYoke), top and htop (for
> checking CPU and memory usage), and bash scripting. As others
> mentioned, you often string several programs together to do the
> necessary tasks, rather than one program doing it all. Because of
> this, knowing a little about "bash scripting" can make it far simpler;
> a "bash script" can start all of the necessary programs in the right
> order, so you don't have to always start them manually :)
> > 6) Audio drivers? I currently own the t.c. electronic konnekt8 audio
> > interface and going from whats on the website they
> > dont have linux drivers? Could i use AISO4ALL? I used those drivers
> on
> > windows with no problems before, anyone have
> > any problems with them on linux?
> I have never heard of ASIO4ALL on Linux; AFAIK ASIO in general only
> runs on Windows, and is probably unnecessary. Jack does low-latency
> (IMO better) on Linux. One thing I did like about ASIO4ALL was that
> it allowed realtime audio input to Reason- but, as we all know, Reason
> doesn't run on Linux, so no loss!
> > I guess this is all for now. There are many more questions which i have,
> but
> > i will do the research for those. If someone can also
> > point em to some good resources on the web on linux audio i would def
> > appreciate it.
> I got a lot from Florian Schmidt's page, I'm sure it's not hard to
> find. He provides some details that it always seemed like everyone
> else knew but me.
> One last word of advice: if you find Linux interests you, you're bound
> to encounter some outwardly rude people. Obviously getting nasty with
> them doesn't help, and it satisfies them in some kind of way; but
> sometimes a severely sarcastic remark, perhaps a self-deprecating one,
> really seems to win them over. It hasn't been my experience here, but
> if you ever go on the #debian IRC channel, you might want to set up
> some counseling beforehand, just in case.
> Good luck, hope to see you on the list in the future.
> -Chuckk
> --
> http://www.badmuthahubbard.com
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-- Arda EDEN Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Music Technology
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 29 08:15:03 2008
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