Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> On Fri, March 7, 2008 15:54, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
>> On Fri, March 7, 2008 15:33, Simon W. Fielding wrote:
>>> After quite some time, and reading between the lines of various posts
>>> on this list, I think I have finally understood how the qjackctl
>>> patchbay works and what it is for. Because of this, I have written a
>>> brief guide to using the patchbay but I have nowhere I can usefully host
>>> it. If anyone who knows what they are talking about would like to check
>>> my attempt for mistakes and/or can host the file, I would be more than
>>> happy to release it into the wild. I would be really pleased if this
>>> could happen and it turned out to be useful to someone as I have found
>>> the information on this list to be exceedingly helpful in my quest to
>>> make amusing noises at home.
>> show us the money^H^H^H^H^H erm... text!
> as a follow-up to this, i have put the original text online, as some blog
> entry for you all to stare
> - QjackCtl and the Patchbay
> thanks goes to Simon, of course, for busting that ancient black-magic myth
> that is the qjackctl's patchbay ;)
> enjoy
Thanks, I used LASH for that kind of thing, but discovered the patchbay
now too :) Very helpful and I hope the newbies notice and understand
that part of the app better and sooner now...
It's indeed very hard to find the right info in the linux audio world on
the right level. It's hard to find the apps for the right things, which
are worth to put a lot of effort and time in.... cause many of them are
time-consuming to understand them well...
On many sites of linux apps there isn't even a explanation of the app
itself. There're times you read a site and don't know what's the app
exactly doing. I think the authors or makers of that sites expecting the
visitors to be very experienced linux (audio) users... but what about
the newbies?
Also the explanation about installing something is not very clear and
often assumes a lot of experience and knowledge from the 'visitor'...
It's maybe a good idea to make a linux audio documentation, for the
really newbies, without cooing to deep. The first steps in linux audio
world with a good explanation of jack and qjackctl. But also other
chapters (midi, sampling, synths, recording, mastering, kernel,
guitareffects etc. ) with the basic thing to know (criteria for example:
can start the program, load a file, can hear sound...(?)). For more info
there can be links to the apps themselves which there specific
When I started with linux audio, a very important topic was, getting
jack working and knowing which apps are good for what and how good are
the applications, what are the differences, the advantages and
disadvantages of the programs. I got this information mostly from the
articles of Dave Philips for linux journal.... but there a lot others
who know also a lot.... It's not really nice when you put hours in a
program and hear after a few weeks that there's a much better program or
that the project is dead or so...
What I really need now is a good howto for jack connect(ions) in
qjackctl . Is there a good howto for it or is there someone who want
to make a nice article about it? I would be very pleased...
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Received on Fri Mar 14 00:15:04 2008
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