Well, first of all, thanks very much to Asmo Koskinen, Arthur, Paul Coccoli,
Florian Schmidt and Raphael Bollen for the replies! (sorry if I forgot
anyone) :)
I identified the problem at last, and even better, I got a "partial"
solution!! :D
Raphael Bollen pointed exactly where my problem was: my Delta66 is a
new 'revision E', which has changed a chip on it, and the actual alsa driver
ice1712 couldn't manage it correctly (no output sound, and no input signal).
The bug is well explained here (more users with exactly the same issue):
Now, there is not a fixed driver for this, BUT, <maligor> from #alsa at
freenode helped me to make the kernel load the driver from another card: the
VX442 driver, and the result is that I have analog I/O on my 4 I/O, and all
the routing, etc works as expected :)
I have only the 2 I/O S/PDIF disabled now, but I can wait until an apropiate
fix is out (I don't use them really)...
...So I'm the happiest man in the world now ;)
To try the new setup, I've routed Ardour (playing backwards a session at
varying speeds), to another ardour (recording the result), done some mix, and
export it... really psychodelic sound, and very powerful setup and apps, this
is just great :)
If you are curious, it's the 4º track at: http://virb.com/spes
BTW, I'm using Ardour 2.0.5 now (Kubuntu 7.10 here), and it's incredible how
much has this App improved from time to time I see it, Paul Davis & co are
doing an amazing work!! ;) I'm going to compile the latest version
tomorrow... but this is already more than I could expect for a 100% free
platform already, just great!
Thanks very much again to everyone! and have fun :)
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Received on Fri Apr 11 04:15:01 2008
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