Great stuff. thanks!
- Mark
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> The first (beta) release of Jmeters is available at
> <>
> Jmeters is a Jack multichannel audio level meter app.
> It looks very similar to meterbridge since it uses the
> same pixmaps.
> This first release offers VU, PPM and stereo versions of the
> same. The stereo versions have two indicator needles on the
> same scale. I've never seen a twin VU, but stereo (or M/S)
> PPMs *do* exist. Later releases will add bargraph meters,
> digital peak indicators for the analog ones, and a stereo
> correlation meter.
> The main difference to meterbridge is that Jmeters has the
> correct ballistics for both the VU and the PPM.
> The VU meter measures the average of the absolute value of
> the signal, 'average' meaning a second order filter that
> reaches 99% in 300ms and overshoots between 1.0 and 1.5%.
> It is calibrated to indicate 0dB for a sine wave at -10dB
> w.r.t. digital full scale (which is +/-1 peak in this case).
> The particular VU scale used is not entirely linear and
> starts at -20dB (it's one designed for a passive VU meter
> with a diode bridge), so the meter will not move at all
> for inputs below that level. Later versions may use a
> VU scale designed for an active meter which doesn't have
> this threshold.
> The PPM is a pseudo-peak meter. It will indicate 80% of
> the steady-state value for a 10ms burst, and fall by 24db
> in 2.8s. Each scale division (1..7) represents 4dB. It is
> calibrated to indicate '7' (+12 dB on the EBU scale) for
> 0dB FS.
> For speech and music with distinct short peaks the PPM
> will usually indicate higher. For music with continuous
> long notes, and for heavily compressed signals the VU
> indicates higher. Both meters require some 'getting used
> to' in order to read them correctly.
> You can modify the calibration by using the -g(ain) option,
> but it should normally not be necessary.
> Enjoy !
> --
> FA
> Laboratorio di Acustica ed Elettroacustica
> Parma, Italia
> Lascia la spina, cogli la rosa.
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