> does anyone want to tell me here some details to the realtime-prios?
After installing rt-kernel in the Ubuntu I have follow these since Dapper
(summer 2006).
1. Add "snd-seq" to the /etc/modules-file.
2. Add "dev.rtc.max-user-freq=1024" to the "/etc/sysctl.conf"-file
3. Add these lines to /etc/security/limits.conf-file
@audio - rtprio 99
@audio - memlock 250000
@audio - nice -10
4. Add these lines to /etc/fstab-file
none /tmp/jack tmpfs defaults 0 0
none /mnt/ramfs tmpfs defaults 0 0
5. Add new mount point
sudo mkdir /mnt/ramfs
6. Mount everything, never mind error message
sudo mount -a
After all these (and rebooting) I can play with M-Audio Keystation 49e.
I like to hear is there something I should tweak better or different, as I
said I have used these since Dapper.
Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 17 12:15:03 2008
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