> I wonder what other options there are to sync/ send messages from/to
> GP2X. OSC comes to mind but when I understand it right they removed the
> network stack in the latest GP2X. On the otherhand they gave the
> touchscreen, wonder how precise that is as an input medium. Pandora
> might be worth to wait for.
Yeah, there aren't many options indeed. Even external joystick is kind of a
hassle since it needs a craddle break out box. Feasible but not optimal.
There is barely no networking option but although LittleGPTracker is done
with handheld system in hand, it runs on conventional systems too so you can
keep using the 'notepad' aspect with the GP2x and transfer the projects to
pc/mac/debian for more 'performance' orientation usage. OSC really interests
me but, again, I'm not too sure about how standardised it is yet.
> I like that approach, I have the same with my software synth. But Klinik
> is one of my favorite belgium bands :)
:) :) :)
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Received on Thu Apr 17 16:15:11 2008
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