Re: [LAU] [Linux-Audio-User] M-Audio Trigger Finger

From: Esben Stien <>
Date: Thu May 01 2008 - 11:40:55 EEST

J M Needham <J.M.Needham@email-addr-hidden> writes:

> ANyone used one of these with linux? .. [getting a BCF2000]

I got both the Trigger Finger and the BCF2000. It's standard USB, so
everything works.

I actually bought it without checking what's on the market, because
that's the only unit they had that day and I had itchy trigger

After using it for a long time, I'd probably check the market for
something that is a little more sensitive, though. When I "drum" with
my fingers, I tend to have very subtle hits and this unit is not that
great picking up those. I haven't used any other unit, so I don't know
if there exists such a sensitive unit that I'm looking for, though.

It also has some non motorized faders, which really doesn't belong on
a touchpad unit. I'd like more a clean pad unit, such as the korg one
and even something which is rack mountable, if it existed.

Esben Stien is b0ef@email-addr-hidden     s      a             
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Received on Thu May 1 12:15:02 2008

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