Re: [LAU] BCF2000 fedora core 8

From: Joseph Dell'Orfano <fullgo@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed May 07 2008 - 06:22:19 EEST

Just wanted to report an update. Perhaps others will find it helpful. My
BCF2000 is working now. I am running FC8/64 bit with PlanetCCRMA. I had
trouble with RT kernel and was running the latest stock kernel. I
upgraded to the latest patched RT kernel (
and everything works.

I realize that my old midisport also was nonfunctional under the old
kernel, so I assume that there is a problem with at least usb-midi,
possibly usb-audio with this installation.

By the way, I am running ardour and jack with 2.67 msec latency!

-Joe D

On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 00:19, Joseph Dell'Orfano wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am having trouble getting my BCF2000 up and running on a new fedora
> core 8 system. It was previously working on an older (core 2) system.
> The usb device is seen by the computer (confirmed with lsusb), but it is
> not listed on aconnect -o.
> I'm sure I'm missing something stupid - any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> -Joe Dell'Orfano
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