Re: [LAU] sndpeek

From: Ray Rashif <schivmeister@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 10 2008 - 12:57:32 EEST

That one looks (clearly) like a GCC 4.3 error. This is how you would
troubleshoot similar errors (eg. 'foo' was not declared in this scope):

1) man foo
2) notice the "#include <blah.h>"
3) Inject the include into the troublesome file; FoohBlah.cpp
----a) You may use "#include "blah.h" or "#include <blah.h>"
----b) It is advised to prepend a c and remove .h instead since we're
dealing with c files and headers; "#include <cblah>"

So in this case, it looks like RtAudio.cpp would need <cstring> and
<cstdlib>. I would do the following from the build dir:

sed -i '-e/#/{;s/#/#include <cstring>\n#include <cstdlib>\n#/;:a' '-en;ba'
'-e}' $(find -name RtAudio.cpp)

Maybe awk will be shorter but I don't know enough of it.

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Received on Sat May 10 16:15:01 2008

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