Re: [LAU] Soundcard question: Was "Equivalent to reason"

From: Julien Claassen <>
Date: Fri May 16 2008 - 13:50:26 EEST

   In general you can't. But there is one trick I know. You can configure
alsa's default device to be a jack-client. that means, your app says let me
use ALSA and alsa just says: None of my worry I pass it on to jack. You can do
that in your .asoundrc in your homedirectory. I did it like this:
edit ~/.asoundrc
   type plug
     pcm "myjack"
   type jack
     0 alsa_pcm:playback_1
     1 alsa_pcm:playback_2
     # I use capture_1 twice, because it give stereo microphone input
     0 alsa_pcm:capture_1
     1 alsa_pcm:capture_1

   You should make sure, there is no other "pcm.!default" in your .asoundrc. If
there is noe move it to something like "pcm.old_default".
   So when you run on simple ALSA, no JACK at all, you could still easily use
alsa by:
   1. giving the proper "old_default" device as alsa-device to the app you run.
   2. By chaning "pcm.!default" to "pcm.old_default" and vice versa.
   For me it works perfectly with most apps.
   By wrapping the myjack pcm-device in a plug (pcm".!default" I even get some
nice and comfortable conversions done.
   Hope that helps!
   Kindest regards

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