[LAU] chrt tool not working?

From: Reuben Martin <reuben.m@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri May 16 2008 - 19:27:21 EEST

After a forum discussion, I've found that chrt does not seem to be working.
(At least not on my system or on the systems of the others involved)
Specifically, it doesn't seem like it can be used to launch a program using a
scheduling policy other than SCHED_OTHER.

It does work if I change the scheduling policy of a process after the process
is already started, but it doesn't seem to work when using it to start a

Something like "chrt -f 40 foobar" still starts foobar using the SCHED_OTHER
policy. Is this a known issue?

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri May 16 20:15:01 2008

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