On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 6:48 PM, Jorge <spesgmd@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> But the editing in seq24 is really like a pain in the ass with the mouse (I
> don't have a midi keyboard), it has really bad things like you have to select
> from a combo box the length of the note before setting it (!!!!)... it's too
> slow!
You can change the length of the note using a middle-mouse button drag.
> What sequencing program you recommend me instead of seq24?? I'm used to the
> Hydrogen interface... are Muse or Rosegarden easy/powerful to use? do they
> work also with DSSI plugins like Hexter?
I much prefer seq24 to rosegarden, but I don't write much music. I
believe both Muse and Rosegarden support DSSI. I know rosegarden
does, and its much easier to use rosegarden to host plugins than a
standalone program like jack-dssi-host. But I can't stand the midi
editor (or matrix editor, or whatever it's called) in rosegarden.
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Received on Tue May 20 00:15:03 2008
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