[LAU] Master CD burn : problem with k3b on a audio/multimedia Master

From: Aurelien <orl@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 22 2008 - 22:17:15 EEST


I'm having some problem bruning a master with k3b. The master I've to
burn is an audio CD with an extra multimedia track. When bruning it with
k3b, it uses 2 sessions.
The fact is the factory can't use those masters, they get an read error,
and assume it's due to:
- not .CDA files (that ain't the point, I think)
- "CD haché", it means it has been written with several different speeds

What do you think about it, and how would you manage to brun this kinda
Master CD?

Thanks a lot.


ORL /// AMMD Booking (www.ammd.net)
	° Sebkha-Chott (www.sebkhachott.net - Ohreland [FR]) - next touring period: 04-06/2008
	° Unexpect (www.unexpect.com - Montréal [CA]) - Europe tour w/ Sebkha-Chott period: 09-12/2008
	° La Muette (www.myspace.com/muette - Paris [FR]) - next touring period: 05/2008 (Bretagne)
	° Mel-P (www.mel-p.net - Le Mans [FR]) - next touring period: 09/2008
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