Re: [LAU] Took the leap and ordered an Intel Mini-ITX

From: david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 29 2008 - 15:27:39 EEST

Ken Restivo wrote:
> After following the thread here about laptop survival rates live,
> I've decided to roll my own ruggedized embedded softsynth box:

An interesting idea. I did up a design 10-15 years ago that would stack
a small mobo (same dimensions as a 5.25" floppy drive) with a hard drive
and power supply), with fan on top (the only logical way to exhaust heat
from a computer case!). Hook it to monitor and keyboard when needed,
otherwise (in your case) use MIDI controls.

> I'd appreciate any advice anyone here might have to share regarding
> this adventure.
> I'm particularly curious about storage options. I'd rather not put in
> a spinning hard drive, and go with some kind of flash drive with an
> ATA or SATA interface, if such things exist.

I saw an article today, some Japanese manufacturer (Hitachi?) announcing
a 256GB solid-state drive. Probably incredibly expensive, but available.

Depending on how much storage you need, maybe an 8-16GB sD/xD memory
card and reader would be enough?

One issue you might think about re SSDs - I understand that while they
provide fast data reads, they're quite slow on writes.

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Received on Thu May 29 16:15:08 2008

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