Re: [LAU] hardware: recording voice and acc. guitar

From: schoappied <schoappied@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 29 2008 - 21:31:28 EEST

Joshua Boyd wrote:
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 07:57:54PM +0200, Giuseppe Zompatori wrote:
>> 2008/5/29 schoappied <schoappied@email-addr-hidden>:
>>> thanks, I like your drawing skills ;)
>>> I've a little amp for my guitar, also with a phone input option... can I
>>> use the art tube mp also for that one, guitar (input) and phone? The
>>> preamp will make the sound maybe better, or doesn't make that sense?
>>> And my guitar amp has not an master channel... can I use the art tube
>>> mp, to use for example rakkarack with my amp?
>> Bear in mind that ART preamps usually run their single tube "voltage
>> starved" killing headroom/freq response. I haven't looked at the specs
>> but I bet that they also choose the wrong tube if they did go for
>> 12AX7s since 12AU7s sound much better at lower plate voltages.
>> You can ask any tube guru you know about that, I am sure he'll confirm
>> what I am saying.
>> I wasn't aware of those issues until I started building tube amps
>> myself and experimenting with different supply voltages.
>> I'd rather buy an all solid state device with a low supply voltage, it
>> would sound way better.
> If you are going to say that (and I'm not trying to argue with you about
> the truth of what you say), it would be nice if you would post
> suggestions for a good affordable solid state preamp. I believe that
> schoappied is looking for something in the sub 100 eur price range.
Yes, that price range, but I like also to know some above that... maybe
I can get one second hand...


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Received on Fri May 30 00:15:05 2008

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