Re: [LAU] Took the leap and ordered an Intel Mini-ITX

From: Thomas Vecchione <seablaede@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri May 30 2008 - 00:50:51 EEST

I forgot to add, the new Nano processors (Isiah Core) they released today
may change this as well. But typically those are being seen as closer to
the Intel Atom processors than the Core2Duos. But none the less they are
certainly a large step up from the C7s as far as I can see.


On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Thomas Vecchione <seablaede@email-addr-hidden>

> It is x86 compatible, but if memory serves there are some performance
> issues, especially with floating point number crunching. However it has
> been some time so I might be remembering very wrong as well.
> Seablade
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Josh Lawrence <hardbop200@email-addr-hidden>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Thomas Vecchione <seablaede@email-addr-hidden>
>> wrote:
>> > and X-Forwarding to program as needed. Mini-Itx was something I kept a
>> > close eye on for a while, and stil keep an eye on for this type of
>> purpose,
>> > but not to close lately. Not a bad project though.
>> I'm just curious - would there be any performance issues with the VIA
>> processors? I'm not knowledgeable on the differences between
>> different it x86 compatible? are there any other
>> differences?
>> --
>> Josh Lawrence

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Received on Fri May 30 04:15:02 2008

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