Re: [LAU] Audio editor for editing a 90-minute-long file?

From: Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 12 2008 - 06:00:51 EEST

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 01:59:20PM -0700, Kevin Cosgrove wrote:
> On 11 June 2008 at 13:56, Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Can someone recommend an audio editor for editing a
> > 90-minute-long WAV file?
> I routinely use Audacity to edit 16-bit stereo WAV files around that
> length. I never have any problems with the program.
> > I almost always use Rezound for songs (2-10 minutes long,
> > ususally), which I like a lot, but it chokes on big huge
> > files-- too slow, crashes, gets kicked out of the JACK graph,
> > and generally sucks.
> JACK? Is that a requirement? I've lost track of the Audacity/JACK
> compatibility issue. I have multiple soundcards and run JACK on only
> one of them. That leaves me free to edit files with Audacity
> accessing another card.

Audacity did the trick.

The problem with Rezound is that it tries to convert the whole file into some weird "pf" format that is its own, and then it appears to try to load the whole thing into RAM, of which I don't have enough (2GB max on this PC).

Good call on Ardour; I probably would have had the easiest time working with this file in Ardour. Ardour is sweet. But for just editing one long audio file, it seemed a bit like overkill. Also, I'd be too tempted to overdub onto it, which is a no-no for a live recording :-)

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Received on Thu Jun 12 08:15:03 2008

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