Am Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2008 schrieb Kjetil S. Matheussen:
> I think that is complete overkill. I just tried recorded 128 channels of
> 32bit/44100hz at once, without problem. And my machine is 5 years old
> 2Gz barebone, using only a single PATA ide disk.
> This was using jack_capture, and only recording silence (ie. non-connected
> jack ports). Maybe the silence makes a difference.(?)
For jack and ardour/timemachine/jack_capture it is completely irrelevant if
the double-numbers contain 0.0, 1E-<incredibly high> or some (pseudo-)random
values between -1 and 1. Its still sizeof(double) that is saved to disk for
each channel and sample...
It only makes a difference when using compressed formats like mp3, flac, etc.
But ardour doesn't support this (yet).
Have fun,
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